What does the word God now mean to ME?

In the introduction to my blog I have referred to A Unitive Narrative and asked the following:

  • What if any, is the relationship between God (or Source) and Consciousness?
  • Could they perhaps be seen as one and the same thing?

I recognise that neither God nor Consciousness are things – what alternative word or expression could we use?

  • I have what seems to me to be a coherent story (that may or may not be accurate) that I’d like to be able to share  of how Science and Spirituality are coming together as a result of a new understanding of Consciousness.
  • I have created and highlighted the early part of A Unitive Narrative as an introduction to my own thinking. I want to keep it simple.

Millions of people have been walking away from the Christian religion over the last 25 years. There has been a lot of deconstruction. Many people would now describe themselves as SBNR – Spiritual But Not Religious. The web is full of pointers to what might come next. But there seems to be very little recognition that there is a need to get back to basics and ask such questions as Who, What, Where is God?

I’ve had a lifetime of asking some of the awkward questions to which there are no easy answers. I’m no scholar. I’ve long enjoyed using bullet points for my study notes. I’m going to finish with a few based on Consciousness and the Power of Intuitive Intelligence:

  • Science has brought us all the technologies – based on the idea that this realm is all that there is – that evolution was an accident – and that somehow our consciousness arose – thinking it was separate from the rest of the universe – not appreciating its part in this flow of information?
  • Science and spirituality were separated as a result of the Council of Trent (1545-1563). The schism just grew for almost 300 years. What place Galileo (1564-1642) in the history of science?
  • Scientific education still ignores Philosophy – so much is based on a lot of assumptions.
  • Everything is vibration, energy and information.
  • We shouldn’t ignore the mystical experiences – we know very little about them from a scientific point of view.
  • Real intuition hits us out of the blue – make room for it – higher levels of awareness.